Martins film THE FIFTH POINT OF THE COMPASS (WT) is in production. Here you can get some informations, photos and news about the documentary. On our facebook site you can get some impressions of the shooting in North Italy and Brazil.
On 1 June 2009 a passenger plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. My cousin, returning from Brazil, was among the 228 dead. He grew up as an adopted child in South Tyrol and had travelled to Salvador da Bahia in order to find his biological mother. Seven years later, in 2016, his adoptive brother also left South Tyrol to find his past lost.
My film explores the effects of adoption on the lives of the two brothers. We sensitively investigate their stories, speak with their adoptive mother and follow the brother as he looks for his family of origin. Cultural spaces are portrayed, their stories explored and issue taken with the opposites they contain. We will visit the South American metropolis of Salvador, travel to a Ladin village in the Alps and voyage to the bottom of the sea.
What does identity in fact mean in our modern, globalized world? Is it inextricably linked to topography, skin colour, language or customs? For the brothers, questioning this is a matter of life and death that, because of their adoption, has remained an unanswered question. Woven into this journey are essayistic passages that address the fate of the lost brother, whose body was never recovered: a seeker who disappeared between two continents without ever having experienced a feeling of belonging.